I’m Gerard MacLellan. Welcome to Destined for Glory.

About Gerard
Gerard B. MacLellan is the Founder and President of Destined for Glory Ministries.
He is a native of Boston, Massachusetts, now making his home in Tennessee. Gerard earned his Bachelor of Science in HVAC Engineering Technology from Ferris State University. He has been a business owner for nearly a decade.
After coming to know the Lord in 2012, Gerard began his formal biblical training at Charis Bible College in 2013. In 2015 he received his Associate Degree in Biblical Studies. He attended Joseph Business School from 2014 to 2015 through Bill Winston Ministries, where he received his Certificate in Biblical Business. Gerard acquired his Biblical Studies Certificate from the AWKNG School of Theology in December 2022. In 2024, he acquired Board Certification as a Master Mental Health Coach.
Gerard is an avid lover of the Word with a great hunger for knowledge. His passion is to see lives become whole through Jesus Christ and help people walk in their God-given purpose, overcoming the stains of their past.
Gerard is a loving father to his son. He is a Business Owner, Biblical Counselor, Ordained Minister, and co-host of the podcast MILMAC Musings.
Gerard’s heart is deeply moved through the mercy of God to live out the scriptures known as The Jesus Creed:
“The Lord is One. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.” –Deuteronomy 6:4 & Mark 12:29-30.