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Allison and Gerard Podcasting
MilMac Musings

Revealing The Intersection
Between God and Science For
Living Wholeheartedly

About the Podcast

The MilMac Musings podcast explore healing from real-life traumatic experiences through the love of Christ based on Biblical Truth. Through our podcast, we reveal the intersection between God and science with a desire to bring a fresh perspective for living wholeheartedly.

Our passion is to thoughtfully comment and bring awareness, tools and resources for healing trauma within the Body of Christ. We do this through podcasting, workshops, pastoral counseling, coaching, and the Word of God. As children of God, Allison Miller and Gerard MacLellan collaborate to bring an increased understanding of the wounds of trauma through their unique life experiences and personal journeys of healing through the love of Christ.

Trauma Builds the Brain in a Way that God Never Intended. But that Doesn’t Mean There Isn’t Hope.

MilMac Musing is a production by Destined for Glory. Our mission is to create awareness and foster resilience for trauma survivors, and provide training for caregivers and support networks in the Body of Christ. We also value helping people have healthy interpersonal relationships.

MilMac Musings Podcast

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