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Yes, the title of this blog is true! Living the Christian Life is Impossible, if you try to do this by your own strength. Can I be blunt? Today, many so-called Christians try to overcome their challenges to become better people by changi...
We will be discussing the groundbreaking book, Revolutionary, by George Barna. This book shows a revolution is already taking place within the church―one that will affect every believer in America. Committed, born-again Christians are ex...
Living out your faith in action even when it seems contrary to what you might think is best—it's something that becomes a part of you over time. It is developed from yielding to the Word and promises of God. When I was led to write this ...
Over the last week or so, it has been raining quite a bit where we live. I decided to persevere through adversity and go for a run the following day, come rain or shine. I enjoy this exercise because I can uniquely enjoy His beautiful cr...
Last month, I had the fantastic opportunity to visit one of my favorite places on earth: Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. My son and I love this place, and it is an excellent place for father-son activities, leading to much-needed family...