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About Destined for Glory


What Informs Our Approach?

Hebrews 3 is the reader’s first introduction to what will be a familiar tension in the book: conditional statements about the believer’s salvation status. This episode focuses on this tension, pointing out that conditional statements in Hebrews are not attached to breaking the laws of Torah, or any sins of commission or omission. The conditional statements are not about works in any regard, as though believers could lose salvation when they sin. Rather, the focus is on how a believer can fall into unbelief—how they can choose to not believe the gospel. The end result is that believers are eternal secure if they believe (do not reject the gospel), but no one who rejects the gospel and therefore does not believe it has eternal life.

The power of the gospel is the lifeblood of all done through Destined For Glory. 

Allison and Gerard met in 2019 at an Atlanta Conference to learn more about bringing their ministries forth. After a short time of taking different directions, they were reunited in 2022 and began working in unison to bring Destined for Glory to life.

Through the boundless mercy, love, and compassion of Jesus Christ, we seek to liberate trauma survivors from the bonds of emotional and mental oppression and the twisting of Truth that often accompanies such afflictions.

We at Destined for Glory offer hope, comfort, and a doorway to untangle the tentacles of abuse for survivors of trauma for healing and restoration to live wholeheartedly.

We empower caregivers by providing resources and guidance to walk with, support, and comfort those experiencing painful life circumstances because of past unhealed trauma situations.

We partner with church pastors, lay ministers, or ministry leaders overwhelmed by the staggering numbers of traumatized people seeking healing.

Through our podcast, we passionately muse on healing from real-life experiences through Christ's amazing love based on Biblical Truth. We also reveal the intersection between God and science for living wholeheartedly.

Destined for Glory brings awareness, tools, and resources for helping unravel trauma through podcasting, workshops, pastoral counseling, integrative counseling and coaching, and the Word of God, sharing the true gospel of mercy rather than laws, shame, and directives.

Let us go onward for His Glory!

We Believe

That the God of the Bible is a person, not an abstract force

That God is a triune being, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

That each member of the Trinity is eternally existent and ontologically equivalent

The incarnation, virgin birth, and deity of Jesus Christ

The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ after his atoning work on the cross

The personhood of the Holy Spirit

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

We believe that all life is given and sustained by our Sovereign God 

That all mankind has fallen short of God’s glory, and from the beginning He put a plan in place to reconcile us to HIm

Through Jesus one finds the way, the truth, and the life that is promised

No man can come to the Father except through Jesus, His Son

Before a person can perceive God’s kingdom realm, they must first experience a rebirth.

DFG also affirms the gospel of Jesus Christ—that salvation is exclusively given by grace through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, having nothing to do with human merit in any point or any regard. This means the gospel and saving faith are not related to membership in, or commitment to, any religious denomination. All who embrace the gospel of Christ are therefore full members in one family of God

“So above all, constantly chase after the realm of God’s kingdom and the righteousness that proceeds from him. Then all these less important things will be given to you abundantly. Refuse to worry about tomorrow, but deal with each challenge that comes your way, one day at a time. Tomorrow will take care of itself.” Matthew 6:33-34

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