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Do You Know The Actual Power of Unity and Reliability In The Body?

Published on
07 August 2024
Allison Miller Portrait
Allison Miller

More than a week has passed since I watched a team of tree-workers take down two 100-foot trees. As I watched, I thought of how their work applies to ours in the body. Do you know the actual power of unity and reliability in the body? While I understand unity in the body, I was intrigued by the unity and reliability of one another in this team.

So God has put the body together such that extra honor and care are given to those parts that have less dignity. This makes for harmony among the members, so that all the members care for each other. If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad. - 1 Corinthians 12:24-26 (bold is my add)

In the above scripture, Paul tells us that God has brought the body together to give extra honor and care to those with less dignity. 
Destined for Glory is about restoring dignity to the parts of the body that have lost that glory due to experiences that left them feeling less than who God created them to be as His imagers.

What is Dignity According To the Bible?

"Dignity, by biblical definition, is tied to the biblical concept of glory. God’s glory, His weightiness, His importance, His significance, is what the Bible uses to describe the fountainhead of all dignity. And only God has eternal value and intrinsic (that is, in and of Himself) significance. I am a creature—I come from the dust. The dust isn’t all that significant, but I become significant when God scoops up that dust and molds it into a human being and breathes into it the breath of life and says, “This creature is made in my image.” God assigns eternal significance to temporal creatures. I don’t have anything in me that would demand that God treat me with eternal significance. I have eternal significance and eternal worth because God gives it to me.

And not only does He give it to me but He gives it to every human being. That’s why in the Bible the great commandment not only deals with our relationship with God but our relationships with human beings." -R.C. Sproul

Thou shalt love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your might, and with all your strength . . . and your neighbor as much as you love yourself,” because God has endowed every human creature with value."

The Power of Unity

Watching a team of men work on taking trees down, I noticed that each one had a specific role. One climbed the tree and was held up with a harness, while the others remained on the ground.

One man stood on the ground and threw the rope up to the one in the tree so he could tie it around the next limb to come down. Another held the rope tight to keep the limb close to the tree as it fell. Another stood under the tree to grab and guide the fallen limb to a specific area. Others helped move the weightier ones. 

The team leader oversaw everything taking place and ensured the safety of each person on his team.

If one person on that team didn't fulfill their role well, a team member could be injured or property damaged, and the whole team would suffer. 

Just as this team worked together and relied on one another to accomplish their task, God calls His body to unity and reliance.

Do You Understand The Power of Unity?

I know the power of unity as taught in the Scriptures. I have seen it in action at times. When practiced well, it works, and people grow. When not practiced well, the whole body suffers.

Destined for Glory was formed through a calling of the Lord to help those with less dignity. As part of the body of Christ, when you help us, you are helping those to whom we minister.

Whether you help Destined for Glory financially, prayerfully, or through volunteering, God sees your heart and actions to support restoration of His children. And you will be bringing glory to His name.

"But now indeed, there are many members, but one body. And the eye cannot say to the hand, "I have no need of you"; nor again, the head to the feet, "I have no need of you." No, much rather, those members of the body who seem to be weaker are necessary. And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, on these bestow greater honor; and our unpresentable parts have greater modesty, but our presentable parts have no need. But God composed the body, having given greater honor to that part which lacks it, that there should be no schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another." 1 Corinthians 12:20-25 NKJV

The Power of Reliability in the Body

The original Church, known as the Ekklesia, was a small group of people who formed in the name and power of Jesus Christ to share the good news. They relied on one another as they sold property and possessions to give to those in need (Acts 2:45). And because of their generosity, none were in need (Acts 4:34).

Destined for Glory relies entirely on the Lord to support this ministry. As the ministry is supported, unity and reliability come alive in the body.

As the Lord leads you, join us as partners in empowering and equipping trauma survivors and caregivers and bringing awareness to the body of the great need to fulfill the Word to help those with less dignity.


Imagine a world where those who have experienced complex trauma are empowered and equipped to thrive in the body, bringing glory to God.


Visualize yourself being aware of how to meet these people where they are to help them carry God's glory.

Here Is How You Can Make a Difference

Your financial support directly impacts the lives of trauma survivors. Even a small contribution can create a ripple effect of positive change. When you donate, you help provide resources and support to those affected by the crippling effects of trauma, equip caregivers, and support networks assisting the Church to meet the needs of those seeking hope and help for healing. Thank you for your generosity and support. To donate, visit our donate page.


Whole Heart Scholarship


Adopting one's heart through our Whole Heart Scholarship is a unique opportunity to impact the lives of survivors affected by trauma. By supporting our scholarship program, you help provide crucial educational and equipping resources for supporting these individuals. The Whole Heart Scholarship's design empowers survivors to pursue a Biblical pathway to breaking free for living wholeheartedly, with the ultimate goal of breaking the cycle of trauma and transforming generations. When you adopt one's heart, you are committing to support a survivor on their journey to freedom, healing, and wholehearted living.


Adopt one's heart today by visiting our donate page.


Become A Monthly Donor


Consider recurring monthly donations to support ongoing programs. Your consistent contribution is a beacon of hope for survivors on their journey to wholehearted living. 


When you help us help others, the body of Christ is united and actively relies on one another to help those with less dignity.

"The unalterable, inherent value due every person by virtue of being a human being. Although human dignity is a widely recognized concept today, much debate surrounds the basis out of which it arises and its practical implications. In Christian thought, human dignity is often connected to the idea that humans are the image of God." (1)

Together, we can be the catalyst for change. Every dollar, every word, and every act of kindness brings us one step closer to a world where trauma survivors triumph!

Be a part of the healing process.

Spread The Word


Share the Destined for Glory Website, Blog, and Podcast with your friends, families, the Church, and through your social channels. Awareness is the first step toward creating the power of unity and reliance in the body of Christ for the support of survivors.

Your contributions are a lifeline for trauma survivors, providing them with the resources, support, and care they need to rebuild their lives and dignity.

At Destined for Glory, we are committed to walking with you on your healing journey and helping you see yourself through God's eyes, walk the talk, and triumph over trauma. You are beloved, valuable, whole, and courageous in His sight. Trust in His plan and find peace in His presence, knowing He is always with you, ready to heal and restore your heart, mind, soul, and body.

If you are not a victim of trauma but know someone who is, you can play a crucial role in their healing journey. Offer a listening ear and validate their experiences without judgment. Please encourage them to seek professional counseling and spiritual support. Please educate yourself about trauma to understand their struggles and needs better. Be patient and compassionate, offering practical help, such as accompanying them to appointments or providing a safe space to talk. Above all, pray for them and remind them of God's unwavering love and presence in their lives. Your support can significantly impact their path to healing and restoration.


(1) Stanley J. Grenz and Jay T. Smith, Pocket Dictionary of Ethics, The IVP Pocket Reference Series (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2003), 54.


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