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Healing from the Inside Out: Lessons from a Trash Can Encounter

Published on
30 August 2024
Allison Miller Portrait
Allison Miller

Discover how the healing process mirrors life’s journey—whether dealing with physical, emotional, or spiritual wounds. Learn how Jesus, the ultimate balm, heals us from the inside out. Life has a funny way of teaching us lessons when we least expect them. Sometimes, those lessons come in the form of an encounter with a trash can.

Life’s bumps and bruises come at us in unexpected ways. Sometimes, they are physical, like the wounds on my skin. Other times, they are emotional or spiritual, leaving scars that aren’t visible to the naked eye but are just as real.

The Bible reminds us in Psalm 147:3 that

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

Whether our wounds are seen or unseen, God is always present to heal us, no matter how deep the injury.

The Healing Process: Caring for Injuries

The cuts from the trash can encounter weren’t severe, but they required care. I cleaned the wounds, applied ointment, and wrapped them up to protect them. It took time, but eventually, the bruises faded, and the cuts healed. This physical healing process reminded me of something deeper—the way we heal from all types of wounds, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual.

Just as we need to care for our physical injuries, we also need to care for our emotional and spiritual wounds. Isaiah 53:5 says,

“By his wounds, we are healed.”

Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross covers our sins and brings healing to every part of our lives.

Healing from the Inside Out

Healing isn’t just about tending to the surface but addressing what’s beneath. Using the right balm, our injuries heal from the inside out. For my leg injury my mom kept reminding me to apply cream several times a day so my wound could heal from the inside out. This is true for physical wounds, and it’s also true for the deeper wounds we carry. The right balm can make all the difference.

For me, the ultimate healing balm is found in Jesus. Jeremiah 8:22 asks,

“Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there?”

The answer is yes—Jesus is our great physician, the one who heals all physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds. Just as I cared for my physical injuries, Jesus cares for the wounds we carry in our hearts and souls. When we allow Him to work in us, He heals us from the inside out.

The Healing Balm of Jesus

The cuts, gashes, and bruises on my skin eventually disappeared. But the lesson they taught me remains. Much like those physical wounds, the emotional and spiritual wounds we carry need care and attention. And just as my physical wounds needed the right ointment to heal, our deeper wounds need the healing balm of Jesus.

Matthew 11:28 invites us,

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Jesus doesn’t just heal us—He gives us rest from the weight of our burdens. The healing process is much the same whether you’re dealing with physical pain, emotional hurt, or spiritual wounds. It takes time, care, and the right balm. Let Jesus be your healing balm today, and watch as He brings healing from the inside out.

Trusting in God’s Healing Process

Reflecting on my healing, I am reminded of 2 Corinthians 4:16:

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day-by-day.”

God is continually at work in us, renewing and healing us from within, even when the scars on the outside might still be visible.

We can also trust that God meets all our needs in His perfect timing. Philippians 4:19 reassures us,

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”

This includes our need for healing—physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Life’s bumps and bruises are inevitable, but healing is always possible. Whether the wound is physical, emotional, or spiritual, the healing process remains the same. Just as I tended to the cuts and bruises from my encounter with the trash can, we must tend to the deeper wounds we carry. And with Jesus as our ultimate healer, we can trust that every wound will heal in time—when we allow Him to work in us, healing us from the inside out.


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