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Perseverance Through Adversities!

Published on
04 October 2024
Gerard MacLellan
Gerard MacLellan

Over the last week or so, it has been raining quite a bit where we live. I decided to persevere through adversity and go for a run the following day, come rain or shine. I enjoy this exercise because I can uniquely enjoy His beautiful creation and focus more intently on the Biblical teachings of great Biblical Scholars.

As I began my run, the rain fell lightly. However, as I continued, it became a downpour. At that point, I considered how this reflects our walk with our Lord as Christians.


Sometimes, from my perspective, when people become born again from above, they feel that everything will go perfectly in life from then on.


That is not to say that Jesus is not with us as we face difficulties.


He is, but He did, however, mention in John 16:33,b,


You will suffer in this world, but be brave—I have defeated the world!


These words bring great comfort to me as I move forward through the trials and tribulations life has thrown at me and continues to throw at me. I hope you can embrace His love, strength, and comfort as you go through yours, as well. 


The following are the meanings of the words Perseverance and Adversity:


  • Perseverance - Steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties or discouragement. 
  • Adversity - An adverse or unfortunate event or circumstance.(1)


Many Christians may or may not be aware that we do have an adversary whose sole intent is to destroy our lives. He creates an atmosphere where sickness, defeat, discouragement, and futility flourish. "All that plagues, torments, and assails us is the outflow of the fall of man from God's ordained rule and consequent usurping of earth rule by the Nephilim, the sons of God, and Satan." (2) But the most wonderful news is that despite the enemy's intentions, we who persevere, through the strength of our MIGHTY God, have overcome the adversities. 


4 Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. [1Jo 4:4 ESV]

Perseverance Through Adversities!


If I may be transparent with you, I have gone through my share of adversities; in 2015, my wife, Kathy, died after 25 years of marriage. I entered into a relationship after that that was very traumatic, which has since ended. I mention these to let you know that my heart is with you if you have gone through these things. We understand the heartache, shame, sadness, fear,  and anger accompanying such trials and tribulations. Please know that our ministry is here for you; we are here to be the ministry of presence to you and others suffering through such adversities. 


Circling back to the story of my run, I noted that I was doing this one step at a time, one foot in front of the other, as I moved toward the end goal. Even though external factors were making this a bit more challenging to accomplish, I knew I would persevere. And that is the same way we persevere when we walk with God during our most difficult and trying times! Through His strength and faithfulness, one step at a time, one day at a time, we press on through our adversities!! Praise our MIGHTY GOD!!! 


One of our favorite Bible verses of truth, which we have seen played out repeatedly.


And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. -Romans 8:28 NLT


In other words, it is our believing loyalty to Him and His believing loyalty to us. And He is ALWAYS faithful to us! 


The Proof of God's Faithfulness


But what proof do we have of God's faithfulness? Thankfully, it is not left to our feelings or to our emotions or even to other people's experience of it. The New Testament says that God has given one great, unshakeable piece of proof that God is faithful; a piece of proof that no one can take away—the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ!(3)


We tell you the good news: What God promised our fathers he has fulfilled for us, their children, by raising Jesus.

(Acts 13:32–33)




(2) Prayer is Invading the Impossible, Jack W. Hayford

(3) Mike Beaumont and Martin Manser, The Handbook of Bible Promises, 2020, 31–32.



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