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Embraced by Love: A Journey of Healing and Transformation Introduction

Published on
31 July 2024
Allison Miller Portrait
Allison Miller

In a world that proclaims that love heals all, conquers all, and is the greatest force of all, we nod in agreement. Yet, amidst the affirmations, the reality of life's challenges often leaves us questioning the essence of these profound statements.

This writing is the introduction to a book project I am working on. Embraced by Love: A Journey of Healing and Transformation is born out of a deep desire to share key areas that transformed my life with those who have experienced complex trauma as I have.

As a daughter of the Most High God, my journey has been one of unraveling the lies and finding profound truths behind the transformative power of love.


In my many years of experience, I've come to understand that life, with its myriad circumstances, trials, and blessings, is intricately woven by the hand of our Creator. These elements, while sometimes perplexing, serve a purpose—unveiling areas needing transformation or standing as a testament to the unwavering faithfulness of the Almighty. It's easy to profess the potency of love, but understanding its depth amid life's tumultuous moments is a revelation that transcends mere rhetoric.


I don't claim to possess exhaustive knowledge, but I bear witness to the One who altered the course of my life during its darkest, most debilitating moment. At that moment, the threads of my existence began unraveling, leaving me adrift in emotional, physical, and spiritual brokenness. Secrets, shame, and an overwhelming sense of inadequacy consumed me, and the world felt like an isolating abyss where no one could comprehend my inner turmoil.


Yet, in that abyss, our Almighty God unveiled a love that transcended time—a love that existed long before my first breath and the laying of the very foundations of the world. Nearly two decades have passed since that providential moment, and my understanding of His love continues to expand, revealing its boundless nature. This book attempts to distill the lessons from this transformative journey, which has taught me not just to exist but to fully embrace life, love, and my being in this world.


These pages offer glimpses into seven life-changing catalysts that propelled me toward a life of purpose, resilience, and profound love. May these writings serve as a lantern, guiding you through the twists and turns of your own journey and illuminating the transformative power of love, which has the capacity to heal, conquer, and stand as the greatest force in our lives.

At Destined for Glory, we are committed to walking with you on your healing journey and helping you see yourself through God's eyes, walk the talk, and triumph over trauma. You are beloved, valuable, whole, and courageous in His sight. Trust in His plan and find peace in His presence, knowing He is always with you, ready to heal and restore your heart, mind, soul, and body.










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