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In our first post in this series, we wrote about understanding Biblical resilience and why we need it. In this post, I'll write about building a resilient faith with Jesus as our model, weave in personal experience, and share some practi...
Trusting God can be challenging if you don't have a personal relationship with Him. Here we talk about growth in trusting God by coming to know Him through prayer and meditation.
Trust is the foundation of healthy relationships. It's the glue that holds relationships together through challenging times. However, after trauma, your sense of trust and security shatters, and it becomes hard to trust.
Finding a sense of assurance and stability can be challenging in our often unpredictable lives, especially when healing from trauma. However, believers can access a powerful source of hope and security through embracing God's promises. A...
Self-love can seem contrary when unhealed from trauma. Distorted definitions of self-love exist. Understanding self-love and how to attain it helps you on your journey of building resilience and experiencing genuine love for God, yoursel...
With God's help, you can overcome obstacles with grace and unlock a new door to a fulfilling life. God is always with you. When you are in Him, and He is in you, He fills you with the courage to face and overcome obstacles with grace.
As we stand beneath the shadow of the cross where Jesus hung with nails piercing His hands and feet, uttering the timeless words, "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do," we are confronted with a radical concept—forgivenes...