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Knowing Love, Unveiling the Essence of Agape Chapter One

Published on
01 August 2024
Allison Miller Portrait
Allison Miller

A reflection of understanding the language of love through the essence of agape love.

This writing is the Chapter One, Unveiling The Essence Agape, a book project I am working on. Embraced by Love: A Journey of Healing and Transformation is born out of a deep desire to share key areas that transformed my life with those who have experienced complex trauma as I have.

If you missed it click to read the Embraced by Love, A Journey of Healing and Transformation Introduction, the first article of this series.

"Look for God. Look for God like a man with his head on fire looks for water." ~Elizabeth Gilbert

The Pursuit of Love's Understanding


Love, the elusive force that permeates the fabric of our existence, has been the subject of countless inquiries and pursuits throughout the ages. Ancient wisdom proclaims that we must love God with every fiber of our being—heart, mind, and soul. Yet, this command, seemingly straightforward, often eludes our grasp until we receive the gift of divine understanding.

In the eighth grade, tasked with memorizing 1 Corinthians 13, I easily regurgitated the verses on a test. However, the profound meaning of those words remained confined to the recesses of my mind, never truly penetrating the depths of my heart and innermost being.


It was not until the age of nearly fifty, after weathering the storms of numerous broken relationships, that I earnestly sought clarity on the nature of love from the Creator Himself. As I grappled with pursuing genuine love, I documented my journey in a journal, capturing a transformative revelation on the language of love.


"Opening our hearts transparently to God fosters intimacy, creating a true relationship characterized by openness and trust. This authenticity in seeking to know our Creator unravels the limitations of our shattered human understanding of love. The journey toward genuine love, rooted in the eternal faithfulness and trustworthiness of God, emerges as the cornerstone of a meaningful relationship with Him."


Diving into the biblical exploration of love, we encounter four distinct types: Eros, Philea, Storge, and Agape. While the first three are temporal and bound by specific relationships, Agape stands out as the eternal, highest form of love—the very essence of God's love for humanity.


As we navigate the imperfections of our humanity, embracing each other's faults and shortcomings, we inch closer to understanding and embodying Agape love. This divine love, perfectly unchanging and faithful, becomes a transformative force when allowed to permeate our lives.


In the words of 1 Corinthians, we confront the profound truth that even if we could speak all the languages of the earth, comprehend the mysteries of the universe, and possess unwavering faith, without Agape love, our efforts would be no more than a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.


The journey into the heart, soul, and mind—the inmost being—reveals that love, in its truest form, begins not with us but with God. In exploring this ancient wisdom, we discover the limitations of the English language, akin to the Eskimos' nuanced vocabulary for snow. The word "love" finds its true depth in Agape—the love that defines God Himself.


Exploring love's essence, I turn to a devotional on Seedbed, a source that sheds light on God's love and distinguishes it from the world's language. Join me on this journey of unraveling the profound mysteries of Agape, where we seek to comprehend a love that is eternal, transformative, and, above all, divine.


God is love.


We Are Lavishly Loved


Reflecting on the incredible depth of divine love, the Lord draws me to a scripture in the narrative of His grace: "He Gave Us His Son." It's a story that resonates with the echoes of angelic proclamations, the courage of a young Mary, and the divine guidance bestowed upon Joseph.


In the script of my own life, I can't help but see the parallels. I remember the announcement of an unexpected grandchild, a situation that diverged from societal norms. There was a choice to be made—to face potential criticism or to embrace the precious life entrusted to our care. Just as Mary carried Emmanuel, not fully understanding but choosing to receive, so did we embrace this new life, recognizing that every child is a gift from God, regardless of the circumstances.


As the biblical story unfolds, Jesus's heart-wrenching sacrifice takes center stage. David's ancient lament becomes a haunting prelude to our beloved Jesus' suffering. The vivid imagery of thorns piercing His brow, nails through His hands and feet, and the unbearable weight of His body on the Cross, etc., is a profound picture of His love.


The experience of witnessing my mother's pain, the dislocation of her hip, becomes a bridge connecting me to the excruciating details of Jesus' crucifixion. The physical agony, the piercing thorns, the thirst, and the bone-dislocating weight—all endured for us. It's a revelation that transcends the pages of Scripture and becomes a visceral understanding of the pain our Savior bore on our behalf.


Unlike my mother, Jesus had no relief. No pain medication, no twilight sleep to ease His torment. He endured to the point of death, bearing the weight of our sins without slipping into unconsciousness. The gravity of this sacrifice, fully comprehended in the stark contrast of my mother's pain management, leaves me in awe of the unparalleled love displayed on the Cross.


In my prayer, I stand in reverence, acknowledging the amazing love of our Heavenly Father. I desire to live in a way that brings honor and glory to His name. The understanding that His words, "it is finished," mean that through Jesus, we have victory. That Truth resonates deeply within me.


As I traverse the journey of comprehending God's love, this chapter becomes an invitation to reflect on the great gift and sacrifice of His Son, recognize the sacrifice made for us, and respond with a heart overflowing with gratitude. It's a chapter that speaks not just through words but through a lived experience, inviting me to embrace the lavish love that knows no bounds.


He is our provision in all things past, present, and future.


Hallelujah! We love because He loved us first.

At Destined for Glory, we are committed to walking with you on your healing journey and helping you see yourself through God's eyes, walk the talk, and triumph over trauma. You are beloved, valuable, whole, and courageous in His sight. Trust in His plan and find peace in His presence, knowing He is always with you, ready to heal and restore your heart, mind, soul, and body.










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