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Fully Forgiven: Embracing Divine Mercy Chapter Two

Published on
02 August 2024
Allison Miller Portrait
Allison Miller

As we stand beneath the shadow of the cross where Jesus hung with nails piercing His hands and feet, uttering the timeless words, "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do," we are confronted with a radical concept—forgiveness in the face of harm. Fully forgiven embracing divine mercy.

This writing is the Chapter Two, Fully Forgiven: Embracing Divine Mercy, a book project I am working on. Embraced by Love: A Journey of Healing and Transformation is born out of a deep desire to share key areas that transformed my life with those who have experienced complex trauma as I have.

If you missed it, click to read Knowing Love: Unveiling The Essence of Agape Chapter Two, the second article of this series.

If you missed it click to read the Embraced by Love, A Journey of Healing and Transformation Introduction, the first article of this series.

"Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it." - Mark Twain

The Radiance of Forgiveness


As we stand beneath the shadow of the cross where Jesus hung with nails piercing His hands and feet, uttering the timeless words, "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do," we are confronted with a radical concept—forgiveness in the face of harm.


Can we embody such forgiveness? Can we, in the midst of personal pain and injustice, echo Jesus' words and say, "Father, forgive them"? This challenging question leads us to explore the depths of divine forgiveness.


The truth resounds—through the sacrifice on the cross, we are fully forgiven. The blood of Christ covers our past, present, and future sins. This forgiveness is not contingent on our ability to behave well or meet a standard but a grace freely given while we are still in the darkness of sin.

Jesus, the embodiment of forgiveness, forgave us while we were still sinners—a model of forgiveness that transcends human understanding.


His death calls us to die to our selfishness, arrogance, and uncaring nature, ushering us into the gift of our new creation. In the act of forgiveness, we reflect Christ's heart and open the door for His supernatural work in and through us.


The record of Jesus confronting those ready to stone the adulterous woman echoes with the resonance of grace. "He who has not sinned, let him be the first to cast a stone." In this moment, Jesus dismantles the illusion of sinless humanity, reminding us that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.


Unforgiveness, a chain that binds us, prevents us from fully experiencing the greater forgiveness offered by our Lord. Jesus, sinless and perfect, took on our punishment, inviting us to exchange our filthy rags for His robe of righteousness (Isaiah 61:10).


The journey of forgiveness, however, is not a one-time event. It's ongoing, especially in the face of heinous transgressions. When we cry out to God to help us forgive others, He proves faithful. Genuine forgiveness, a divine act, can only be received and offered through God's transformative power–His grace.

As we navigate this path, trust becomes our anchor. We step into the liberating realm of forgiveness by trusting God each moment, relinquishing the grip on the past, and focusing on the future filled with His promises.


In essence, forgiveness is a powerful force—a commitment to treat others better than they deserve and an act of aiding others to become the best version of themselves. The profound truth in Matthew 5:7 resonates with a promise: "How blessed you are when you demonstrate tender mercy! For tender mercy will be demonstrated to you."


This chapter invites us to bask in the radiance of forgiveness, fully grasp the implications of being fully forgiven, and embody the tender mercy that has been lavished upon us. In doing so, we align ourselves with the transformative power of divine forgiveness, unlocking a future brimming with God's goodness.

"If you forgive anyone's sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven." -John 20:23 NIV


"God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy." -Matthew 5:7 NLT

Because Christ took my punishment and died to forgive me, I receive salvation, wear His robe of righteousness, and am empowered to forgive and show mercy to others, myself, and any misguided unforgiveness toward God.


Be Vulnerable to Know Your Helper


Psalm 123 became more than words on a page; it became a heartfelt plea—"Search me and know me." The journey into discovering God's forgiveness for the myriad ways I had lived contrary to His divine plan was nothing short of transformative. Yet, as I ventured further into the corridors of divine grace, I stumbled upon a door that opened into a profound understanding of Jesus' purpose on earth.


Jesus, walking the dusty paths of human existence, carried an awareness that reverberated with purpose—a purpose capable of altering the trajectory of humankind's life for eternity. His teachings unfolded a redemption plan, a divine strategy born out of a desire to restore the intimate relationship humanity shared in the beginning with its Creator.


In the beginning, God breathed life into Adam and Eve, envisioning a fellowship of openness and transparency with them. Yet, the adversary entered and tempted His beautiful creation of male and female, leading to disobedience and sin. The consequence was expulsion from the garden—a measure taken out of God's agape love. Angels stood guard at the entrance, shielding humanity from the eternal consequence of living in perpetual sin and brokenness.


The nature of our Heavenly Father's love unfolded in the redemption plan. God incarnate, born as Jesus in human flesh, modeled a life wholly yielded to the Heavenly Father. Jesus demonstrated how to live and love and bore the weight of sin on the cross, offering a pathway to freedom from its stain. The narrative, however, did not end with His crucifixion.

The icing on the cake, the crescendo of redemption, was the resurrection. Jesus conquered death, appearing to more than five hundred witnesses, solidifying the reality of life beyond the grave. A promise accompanied his ascension—He must leave so that He could bestow the gift that empowers us to have the fullness of life God desires. In His departure, He sent the Holy Spirit as our Helper and guide.


Reflecting on my life's deviations and shortcomings, I embraced the reality of His forgiveness. Yet forgiveness extended beyond myself; it wove into the tapestry of forgiving others. This holy dance, forgiving and being forgiven, became a testament to the expansive grace made available through Jesus's resurrection and ascension.


The key to redemption lies in the risen Christ and His ascension, culminating in the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit orchestrates the melody of guidance, leading us into the fullness of life designed by our Creator. As I allowed this truth to permeate my being, forgiveness became an act of mercy and a harmonious journey toward the divine restoration God envisioned from the beginning.

At Destined for Glory, we are committed to walking with you on your healing journey and helping you see yourself through God's eyes, walk the talk, and triumph over trauma. You are beloved, valuable, whole, and courageous in His sight. Trust in His plan and find peace in His presence, knowing He is always with you, ready to heal and restore your heart, mind, soul, and body.










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